George Syrop

design • narrative • politics • strategy

George (he/him) lives on Ohlone land in the San Francisco Bay Area. He spends most days developing alternatives to capitalist structures as the Communications Manager for the East Bay Permanent Real Estate Cooperative and as an Advisor for both the Eden Community Land Trust and Friends of the Public Bank East Bay.

George co-founded the Hayward Community Coalition (HayCoCoa) in 2020, which successfully organized to reform policing, prevent school closures, and improve tenant protections in his hometown. George was elected to the Hayward City Council in 2022, where he continues to fight against displacement as the Council's only renter. 

George offers a versatile blend of design, communications, and project management experience from his early career in media and technology. He holds a degree in political science and a post baccalaureate certificate in city and regional planning from U.C. Berkeley. Have a project in mind? Let’s make it happen.

Notable Clients:
  • Stanford Healthcare Innovation Lab
  • SEIU Local 87
  • Berkeley SkyDeck
  • Blowback Podcast
  • The Drift Magazine

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